Where can I update my default branding and interface colors

Learn to update your interface branding in Oviond. Access settings, navigate to general settings, update your choices, and save changes to ensure your account information is accurate.


This article explains where to find and how to update your company's default branding and interface colors in Oviond.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Log in to your Oviond account

  2. Access Settings

    • Click on the account settings button at the bottom of the main sidebar menu on the left-hand side.

    • Click 'Settings'.

  3. Navigate to Company

    • Here, you can change your logo icon, full logo, app title, and adjust your interface brand colors.

  4. Save Changes

Additional Information

  • Tip: Ensure your logos are in the correct format and size for optimal display.

  • Warning: Double-check your brand colors to maintain consistency with your brand identity.


By following these steps, you can easily update your company's default branding and interface colors in Oviond, ensuring your account reflects your brand identity accurately.

Related Resources

White Label Tour

Explore Oviond's White Label features to customize themes, add custom domains, and personalize your password page for a professional, branded experience.

Part 8: Adding Your Brand, Colors, and Domain

Customize your brand in Oviond with white-label features. Learn to set themes, adjust styles, and create a professional look for your projects.

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