Part 11: Saving Time with Automations

Discover how to set up automations in Oviond. Learn to automate report deliveries, customize settings, and enhance client communication efficiently.

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First Look: Setting Up Automations in Oviond

In this video, we explore how to set up automations in Oviond to enhance your reporting efficiency. You’ll learn how to create automated reports that are sent to clients on a schedule, and customizing elements such as the sender address, subject line, and message. We cover how to set the reporting date range and schedule, ensuring clients receive timely updates with the latest data.

This tutorial is essential for users looking to streamline their workflows and maintain consistent communication with clients.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Log in to Your Oviond Account

  2. To Add New Automations

    • Select the client.

    • Select the project within their folder you would like to add an automation to.

    • From the Project Workspace Viewer, click 'Edit' at the top right-hand side of the screen.

    • This will take you to the Project Workspace Editor, where you can find the automation button in the action sidebar menu on the right-hand side.

    • Here, you can delete existing automations or add new ones.

Manage All Automations

  • To manage all automations, go to the account settings main menu.

  • Navigate to Manage Automations.

  • Here, you can see an overview of all automations and their details.

Additional Information

  • Tip: Regularly review your automations to ensure they are running correctly and efficiently. Make adjustments as needed to optimize performance.


By following these steps, you can easily locate and manage your automations in Oviond, helping to streamline your workflows and enhance productivity.

Related Resources

Part 12: Achieving Speed and Uniformity with Asset Management

Learn how to use asset management in Oviond to speed up your workflow and ensure consistency. Discover how to create and use assets across projects.

Where can I edit my automations

Learn how to find, edit, and manage your automations in Oviond with this step-by-step guide. Streamline your workflows and improve efficiency with ease.

How to send a test email of an automation

Learn how to send a test email of an automation in Oviond with this step-by-step guide. Ensure your automated emails are correctly set up and functioning properly.

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