Part 7: Creating Your First Report

Need a detailed multipage analysis from multiple channels with all the detail? Use Oviond's multipage reports to create blazing-fast, long-form monitoring and reporting projects. Easily add custom cover and thank-you pages, and turn complex data into clear, actionable insights for your clients.

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First Look: Creating Detailed Reports in Oviond

In this video, you'll learn how to create comprehensive reports in Oviond. We'll guide you through setting up a new report, customizing cover pages, table of contents, and thank you pages, and adding detailed content using pre-built assets. Discover how to navigate and manage multiple pages within a report, and efficiently share your reports via link, email, download, or embed.

This tutorial is ideal for users who want to enhance their reporting capabilities with detailed, structured reports.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Log in to Your Oviond Account

  2. Select a Client

    • On the home page, select the client you want to start a new project for.

  3. Click 'New Project'

    • Click the 'New Project' button at the top right-hand side of the screen.

  4. Select 'From Scratch' and then click 'Next'

  5. Choose Project Type

    • Select Report for project type.

  6. Click 'Next'

  7. Name Your Project and Select a Theme

    • Enter a name for your project and select a theme that suits your preferences.

  8. Create the Project

    • Click 'Create New Project' to begin your new project.

  9. Open Project Workspace Editor

    • Your new project will automatically open in the project workspace editor.


By following these steps, you can start a new project in Oviond, allowing you to efficiently manage and analyze your marketing data.

Related Resources

Part 8: Adding Your Brand, Colors, and Domain

Customize your brand in Oviond with white label features. Learn to set themes, adjust styles, and create a professional look for your projects.

How to start a new project

Learn how to start a new project in Oviond with this step-by-step guide for effective marketing data management and reporting.

Overview: How to connect data sources

Learn how to connect clients' marketing data sources to Oviond with this step-by-step guide. Set up integrations, troubleshoot issues, and maintain accurate data updates efficiently.

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