Where can I check my AI credit balance

Learn how to check your AI credit balance in Oviond with this step-by-step guide. Monitor your usage and manage your credits effectively.


This article explains how to check your AI credit balance in Oviond. This allows you to monitor your usage and ensure you have enough credits for your ongoing and upcoming projects.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Navigate to the Oviond login page and enter your credentials

2. Access Account Settings

  • Click on the account settings button at the bottom of the main sidebar menu on the left-hand side.

3. In the Settings menu, locate and click on AI Settings

  • Check your AI credit balance.

Top up AI Credits (if needed)

  • If you need to purchase additional AI credits, click on the 'Buy AI Credits' button at the bottom of the AI Settings panel.

  • Follow the prompts to complete the purchase and add more credits to your balance.

Additional Information

  • Tip: If you notice your AI credit balance is low, consider purchasing additional credits to avoid any interruption in your projects.

  • Warning: Keep an eye on your credit usage to manage your expenses effectively.


By following these steps, you can easily check your AI credit balance in Oviond, ensuring you have enough credits to support your data analysis and project needs.

Related Resources

How do I use Oviond AI

Learn how to use Oviond AI within the Project Workspace Editor to analyze data and generate insights in this step-by-step guide.

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