How to create a section
Michelle McMahon avatar
Written by Michelle McMahon
Updated over a week ago

How to create a section (Transcription)

  1. From the home screen of your account, select the client you want to add a new section to a project for.

  2. Open the project (report or dashboard).

  3. If you start a new project, a blank section will already be there.

  4. If you are adding a new section to an existing project, then select the existing section and click the New Section "+" icon from the menu at the top to create a new section.

  5. Select the new section, then select Add Content from the Builder Menu on the right.

  6. Once you have added widgets to your section, select the section.

  7. Click Save a Section from the menu on the right.

  8. Give your section a name, add a description and select the category.

  9. Click Save Section.

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