How to update my name

Learn how to update your name on Oviond quickly and easily with our step-by-step guide. Follow simple instructions to ensure your new name is reflected across your account.


This guide explains how to update your name on Oviond. By following these steps, you will be able to change your name quickly and easily.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Log in to Oviond

  2. Navigate to Your Profile

    • From the home page, click on account settings at the bottom of the main sidebar menu.

    • Click 'Settings'.

    • In the Settings menu, My Account will automatically open.

  3. Update User Profile

    • Click on and edit the text input field you want to update.

  4. Save Changes

    • After updating your name, click the save button.


By following these steps, you have successfully updated your name on Oviond. This change will be reflected across your account, ensuring your new name is used in all relevant areas.

Related Resources

Where to find and update my user profile

Update Your Oviond User Profile: Step-by-Step Guide

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